关于我们 About us

The founding members Mariana and Niklas have the goal to bring together students that study contemporary China. Our current mission is to bring together China studies in Brazil, organize scientific knowledge about China here and become a place for information on academic China studies, events and literature. Another important mission is to stimulate the use and production of knowledge from Brazil (and other countries of the global south) that assumes more local and practical points of view that are not from area studies in the global north.

Most activities of perspectiveSOUTH take place at Unicamp in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil (Mariana) or the second base at UTFPR, Curitiba, Brazil (Niklas). As the network is growing however, we are increasingly on digital communication channels.

Mariana Hase Ueta


Mariana holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from Unicamp, Brazil, a Master’s degree in Chinese Sociology from Fudan University (复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院), China. She has been involved in the Shanghai Manual and is currently a PhD candidate in Social Sciences at Unicamp. Mariana has been a visiting researcher at Shanghai University (2018/19) and UCLA (2020).

Keywords: Relations China-Brazil, Intercultural Communication, Chinese Sociology.

Niklas Werner Weins


Niklas holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Politics from Ruhr University, Germany, and spent semesters at Tongji University‘s School of International Relations (同济大学政治与国际关系学院) and at the Departments of Economics and Political Sciences at UAM-Iztapalapa, Mexico. He hold a Master’s degree in Technology and Society from UTFPR and worked as an associate researcher at Studio Cities and Biodiversity (UNU-IAS project) at the same institution. Niklas is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Environment & Society at Unicamp’s NEPAM. He has work experience in international development policies and the NGO sector.

Keywords: Payments for Ecosystem Services, Environmental Sociology, Urban Development.

Rita Feodrippe

Bacharel em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Federal Fluminense e mestre em Estudos Marítimos pela Escola de Guerra Naval. Pesquisa temas relacionados a ciência, tecnologia e inovação no contexto de política externa, defesa e segurança da República Popular da China, com foco nos domínios marítimo e espacial.

Eduardo Matos Oliveira

Doutor em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais pela UFPE, com mestrado em Ciência Política e graduação em Direito na mesma instituição. Pesquisador Associado ao Instituto de Estudos da Ásia/UFPE e curador da agenda de segurança alimentar e aquisição de terras do instituto. Foi pesquisador visitante na Zhongguo Renmin Daxue 中国人民大学 (Renmin University of China).

João Ricardo Cumarú

Mestre em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Gerente de Economia Verde e Tecnologia de Baixo Carbono da Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade de Pernambuco (SEMAS). Membro da Rede Brasileira de Estudos da China e do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Regionais e do Desenvolvimento (D&R – UFPE). Pesquisador Associado ao Instituto de Estudos da Ásia (IEASIA -UFPE) e curador da agenda de Matrizes Energéticas do instituto. Tem interesse e desenvolve pesquisas nas áreas de Políticas Energéticas; Desenvolvimento chinês; Relações China-África; Relações Sul-Sul; Economia Política Internacional; Cooperação Internacional. E-mail: joao_cumaru@hotmail.com.

*perspectiveSOUTH is a student initiative inspired in the German project Mapping China which we are taking part in.